Application Information
How to Apply
Applications must be submitted via the RSF online application portal, Fluxx (
Create an account or log in to your existing account. **Allow up to 48 hours for a new account to be approved; please register by January 31, 2019**
Start a new "Summer Institute" application and select "Social Science Genomics."
Submit the following documents:​​​
(i) a curriculum vitae (please list the statistical software, programming languages, and operating systems you have used)​
(ii) a statement (maximum three pages, single spaced, 11 point font) describing both any current research, and your interest in social-science genomics, especially as it relates to RSF research priorities (e.g., behavioral economics, social inequality, future of work, immigration)
(iii) one writing sample (maximum 35 pages)
For Ph.D. student and postdoctoral researcher applicants only, please also provide:
(iv) an (unofficial) course/grade transcript for doctoral studies
(v) two letters of recommendation from faculty advisors. These should be as informative as possible about your standing in the program (i.e., approximate rank in your doctoral class), general ability, research potential, and (if applicable) special interest in social-science genomics.
(vi) a one-page (bullet-point) list of mathematics and statistics courses you have taken while in graduate school/during your postdoctoral training, together with a brief statement (maximum one paragraph) outlining your quantitative background and skills.
Complete applications, including letters of recommendation, must be received by Monday February 11, 2019. Organizers will notify applicants solely through e-mail by mid-March and will ask selected applicants to confirm their participation shorty thereafter.
Inquiries can be sent to
Technical questions about the application portal (Fluxx) can be sent to